Monday, 12 May 2014

Arreton Barns and Over the Sea to the Mainland.

The Isle of Wight section of the tour would be drawing to a close today and a further push west on the mainland.   The wind had blown at gale force through the night and showed no sign of easing.    This could make progress later in the day difficult.   I took my seat at the breakfast table a good deal earlier than the Durrant family.   On arrival a discussion ensued on the subject of the Eurovison Song Contest that had been screened the night before.    The discussion quickly developed into views on the bearded lady,Conchita, who had in fact not only been tipped for the top but had, after the usual political biased  voting, won the competition.   I struggle to get excited any more in this ridiculous event.  A complete media driven con trick. Bring back Lulu and Boom Bang a Bang or even  Puppet on a String from Sandie Shaw.  We must not forget the efforts of the ever youthful Cliff and Congratulations.     Mr. Durrant must have risen in combatative mood and proceeded to goad me and challenge my more conservative views.    How could a song competition allow itself to be hijacked in this manner?  We would have to agree to differ on this subject.   We moved  on to less controversial subjects such as the weather and sport.    The ride to Arreton Barns for the lunchtime concert was a relatively short one and brakes off was set for 12.00        Having been settled at the Steamer Inn since Thursday I had some serious repacking to do.  The bikes would need to be balanced. I was not long into this process when a very concerned Richard appeared at my door to break the news to me that the high powered torch for his bike had gone missing.   He had searched everywhere and I immediately set about checking rooms and public areas myself.   This certainly took the smile off everybody's faces and the tour hit a low point.  When I say torch it was a very expensive £250 piece of equipment which we also used in the show as a spotlight.  It had last been in our possession on the ride back from the Newport concert at the Bargeman's Rest.   Having searched everywhere we sadly had to come to the conclusion that the item had been stolen. Not a good feeling and it certainly put a dampener on proceedings.   We completed the packing process and following  a short photo shoot we said our farewells and made our way back to the cycle-path at Sandown  which would take us to the final Isle of Wight concert at the Dairyman's Daughter located in Arreton Barns facility.   There was little I could do to lift RD's spirits.  Our progress down the cycle path was smooth and despite the blustery conditions, rapid.   The venue is built around a courtyard and we decided to present the show outside which would allow for a more concert environment and feel rather than the Sunday Lunch background music which our esteemed guitarist is uncomfortable with.   The promotion for these Isle of Wight Shows has been rather low key and unticketed audiences. It would, as the others had, rely on the brilliance and charisma of the performance and performer.   Still feeling at a low ebb we were delighted with the arrival of Colin and Jo and friends from Shoreham and Brighton together with others who had heard that Richard would be playing.   We would have a show and what is more an audience.      The wind had not dropped and in fact the afternoon saw a series of squalls pass but this did not prevent the Maestro giving yet another inspired performance. At one stage,in a particularly heavy downpour, Richard invited the audience into the narrow covered area, kept calm and carried on!   What more can we expect.    Seven or eight cd sales and another £25.00 donation to the Big C.   Things are mounting up with donations and the 20% from each of the shows.  Great work.      Richard was pleased with to the end result and the low point was now behind us and we retraced our steps to the cycle path and via Newport made our way to Yarmouth and the ferry crossing to Lymington.    The route was somewhat undulating but we were able to cope with the demands and with the occasional shower.  Having left the venue at 17.00 we arrived in very good time for the 19.20 ferry.   Enough time to chat with the port staff and write a couple of postcards.    Once on board we settled down for a drink and a slice of Dee Poupard's rather delicious fruit cake. Oh how that cake has sustained the weary bikers.   I was slightly nervous about the evening accommodation as I was responsible for the booking.     This could be a brownie point winner or yet another debacle for which I would have to beg forgiveness.   As it turned out the Passford House Hotel was an oasis in this tour. £49.00 per room for B & B   Luxury.  Even a swimming pool and fine dining.    The stage manager had indeed delivered.  After we had settled in we did enjoy a brief dip in the pool before dinner. Early night for once and a peaceful sleep and dreams of what the morning would bring.   Long ride in prospect in order to reach Yeovil and the Armitstead hospitality.  

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